October 19, 2009

(Sea) Lions and Penguins and Whales, Oh My!

After only a week in Buenos Aires, my new traveling buddies and I decided to head down to the Patagonian coast (another long bus ride but this time only 16 hours). The buses here really aren't bad- the seats are huge and cushy, you get wine, and they play American movies ranging from the good (Lethal Weapon, Eternal Sunshine) to the horribly bad (Scorpion King, Britney Spears music video collection). They also play a game of BINGO and I won, earning myself a bottle of wine (Malbec of course)!

We finally got to Puerto Madryn, where it turned out to be really cold. We were bundled up in beanies and scarves while we strolled on the beach and planned our upcomming excursions.

The next day we rented a car and drove up to Peninsula Valdez, a world heritage site full of wildlife and nature. We saw whales from the coastal cliffs at our first stop.

We stopped at this cool restaurant for some 'cafe con leche'

Then we continued onward in search of orca's (think Shamu) but unfortunately never saw them... supposedly they beach themselves in this particular area to eat baby seals. We were hoping to witness the semi-morbid-but-really-cool event, but lucky for the sea lions they were left alone on this particualr day.

Our next stop was to see the penguins! I never imagined seeing penguins whose normal habitat was not in the snow but rather at the beach! They were sooo cute and we were able to get really close.

The following day, we went to an area with even more 'penguinos,' where they come up onto shore to lay their eggs.

There were also Patagonian llamas everywhere

On our final day in Puerto Madryn, the sun gods were smiling down on us because the temperature increased about 25 degrees since we had first gotten there, and we were able to lay out at the beach (I've missed it even though it has only been a few weeks)!

Now I am back in Buenos Aires and loving it. I moved into my new apartment and just signed up for a photography class (it's all in spanish though, so wish me luck). Everyone here is really nice and friendly, and I already have a busy social calendar! I am going to hold off on looking for a job for a couple more weeks so that I can really enjoy the city before I am caught up with responsibilities... who wants those anyways?

Hasta luego, chao!


  1. Wow. Your pictures are great, again, and your adventures just keep on rollin' in! I particularly like the llamas and the penguins. Tremendous detail when you click on that close-up of the penguin...the feathers look amazing!
    We're very proud of you, muchacha!

  2. Your pictures are so beautiful!! I can't wait to show Maddie your pictures of the penguins! We love and miss you!

  3. Unbelievable pictures! What an adventure... xoxo from Los Angeles!

  4. Wow, Rachel! You are a great photographer and writer! Now I want to visit Argentina when I had no notion of doing such a thing. Happy Adventures to you.


  5. Thoroughly enjoyed reading about your time with the penguins, sea lions, and whales - Oh my!! Your pictures are fantastic. Enjoy your time before you enter the "real world" and work for a living. Can't wait to hear more.
    Love, Mom

  6. Awesome photos! Creating and living! Damn I am stoked for you. You have a killer penguine shot too!
